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Ave Tech settings, explained
Ave Tech settings, explained

Full- or semi-auto, product updates, and more. Choose the right Ave Tech settings for your boutique.

Glen Womble avatar
Written by Glen Womble
Updated over a week ago

To help you get the most out of Ave Tech we want you understand the setting options available to you, and what each means.

To access and change settings click on your name in the top right corner, then 'Profile', then 'Shop Settings'.

Allow product updates

If this setting is turned on, any changes we make to a product on Wholesale will be made to the product on your Shopify as well.

Leave this as 'No' if you want to be able to change prices, pics, or descriptions without them being changed back.

It's rare that we make changes to products after they're published. The most common changes would be adjustments to the description. But other than that, you won't miss out on many changes, if any, if you leave the setting off. But if you want to make sure all changes we make on Wholesale are reflected on your website, change this setting to 'Yes'.

Note: We know how important tags are in organizing your site, so we will never delete or edit your tags regardless of whether you turn this setting on or off.

We will, however, add tags on your Shopify when we add them on Wholesale, like when an item is tagged for a sale. We will also delete those tags when they're deleted on Wholesale. This will simplify the process for you when we add and remove items from sale collections. But we will never delete any tags you create.

Auto Combine

Auto Combine is a feature that works for you to help you save on shipping costs. It will combine as many possible orders that match the below scenarios so we can help you save money.

However, please note that this feature only works if you have Auto Process set to 'No'. This triggers your order processing delay setting and allows Auto Combine to look for combining possibilities on any pending orders for a certain amount of hours.

How does Auto Combine work?

Auto Combine is designed to help you save on shipping costs by combining multiple orders into one shipment. This means that instead of shipping each order separately, we will combine them into one shipment, saving you money on shipping fees.

When does Auto Combine happen?

Auto Combine will only occur if you have Auto Process set to "No". This means that your orders will not be processed immediately, but instead, there will be a delay in processing. This delay allows Auto Combine to look for combining possibilities on any pending orders for a certain amount of hours.

How can I enable Auto Combine?

To enable Auto Combine, simply go to your settings and set Auto Process to 'No' and Auto Combine to 'Yes'. This will trigger the order processing delay setting and allow Auto Combine to work its magic.

We combine under two scenarios:

  1. Local pickup orders

  2. Non-local pickup orders with the exact same shipping info

This happens at the end of your order processing delay so don't panic if you don't see orders combining right away. It will happen at the end when the orders are about to charge.

Auto process orders

This is the big one! Most boutiques choose semi-auto because of the additional flexibility it provides. But there are pros and cons to each, so read on to see which is the best fit for your boutique.


Full-auto mode is turned on when you set 'Auto process orders' to 'Yes'. In this mode, orders will be processed immediately, without you lifting a finger.

Your customer is up shopping at 2am and places and order? Bam! The order will be placed on Wholesale automatically while you're snoozing.

Since the order is placed immediately, this mode also ensures your orders are shipped as quickly as possible.

Please note: When Auto Process is set to 'Yes' this cancels out Auto Combine and the order processing delay setting. Orders will process immediately.


For semi-auto mode set 'Auto process orders' to 'No'. This will give you more flexibility to make changes to orders before submitting them to Wholesale.

In this mode, when an order is placed on your website:

  1. The order is automatically captured on Ave Tech

  2. While the order is not created on Wholesale immediately, inventory is placed on hold for 24 hours, so the items are safe

  3. This gives you the time and flexibility to edit orders, combine orders, or ignore items before submitting the order to Wholesale

  4. You can manually process the order and send it to Wholesale at any time, otherwise it will be processed automatically 24 hours after the order was placed by your customer

Editing and cancelling orders must be done within 24 hours of the order creation date or Ave Tech will ignore the change. Even if your order processing delay is beyond 24 hours, extending your pending timeframe, you still only have 24 hours to make any changes to the order and item(s).

Order Processing Delay

This pending period can help you edit, cancel, and combine orders. You edit/cancel orders within your Shopify and then the changes will be reflected in Ave Tech. You can double check your work by viewing the order in Ave Tech.

In order for the order processing delay to take effect, you need to have Auto Process set to 'No'. Here is a helpful article about the Order Processing Delay: Click here

Inventory Priority

On Hand, Reserved, Ave

This is telling Ave Tech how you want to allocate inventory for orders. We have the ability for you to add On Hand inventory.

This is inventory that you have in your possession from samples, returns, etc. That is in the 'Products' menu. This setting tells Ave Tech that you want it to use that inventory first before charging you for warehouse inventory (Ave). That's how we want it! Reserved is an old platform and there by default so no need to worry about it!

Learn more about On Hand inventory here: On Hand Inventory Help Center

Inventory Sync Type

This setting is built to help with other apps that modify your inventory. If you use CommentSold, we recommend 'Adjust' to help with the behavior of that app. If you do not use CommentSold, please stay on the default of 'Set'.

Send Fulfillment Updates

This is how we send tracking to your Shopify orders. This is assigned to each order as it syncs in. If it is ever turned off (No), we will stop sending tracking to each order in Shopify, but it will still be loaded into Ave Tech for you if you wanted to manually copy and paste.

Inventory location

This is the inventory location on your Shopify shop where you'd like Ave products inventory to live. If you only have one location that's the one we'll use, of course, but if you have more than one you can specify which location should be used. The setting can only be changed by an Ave Team member so you will need to reach out to us to let us know which location you want it updated to.

Most shops only need one inventory location, but there are some shops who like to alter their settings and utilize inventory locations for that purpose or have brick and mortars! If you have CommentSold, you have to be connected to your default inventory location.

If you have any questions about your Ave Tech settings, please don't hesitate to reach out to our team via chat or email

What's next?

Make sure your payment method is set up for your order processing. There should be a red banner on your dashboard to take you directly to your billing settings. Then, explore some frequently asked questions!

Are you a CommentSold user? Take a peek at some CommentSold Integration Steps.

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