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CommentSold Integration - Final Countdown!
CommentSold Integration - Final Countdown!

Learn more about your action items and important topics for the upcoming CommentSold integration.

Lysa Snell avatar
Written by Lysa Snell
Updated over 9 months ago

The following info applies to CommentSold shops only.

The new integration is scheduled to deploy in the middle of tonight! Once the new programming is rolled out and our tech teams have completed final testing on functionality, we will begin the process of migrating your Ave products over to CS Dropshipping.

Important Action Items:

1. Be sure to get your CS payments account set up ASAP!

  • CS Payments is required to participate in the CS Dropship program.

  • You can learn how to enroll in CS Payments here.

  • We recommend initiating this process as soon as possible as it can take 2-3 business days for your account to be set up.

2. Enter your CommentSold Shop ID into Ave Tech.

  • You will receive an email tomorrow (Friday, June 14th) when it’s time to do this!

  • Step by step instructions are here.

  • Please watch for the email and take care of this ASAP to avoid delays in the transfer of your products.

After the product transfer is complete you will be notified! To avoid duplicates, please do not start manually adding products in the CS Dropship catalog until you’ve received confirmation of the completed transfer.

What if you have pending orders and/or preorders in Ave Tech?

Please do not cancel or disconnect your Shopify account until all pending orders have been processed. If you delete Shopify prematurely, any pending Ave orders can not process correctly and will be lost.

Will orders still combine like they currently do in Ave Tech?

Orders will not combine in this first phase of integration. Finalizing the necessary tech to make that possible is the number one priority for both our CS and Ave engineers after this initial rollout is successfully completed. We hope to have that functionality in place very quickly!

Please reach out to support with any questions you might have. We are thankful for the collaboration with the CommentSold team that has made this partnership possible!

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