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Remove an item from a pending order

Customer change their mind? Removing items from a pending order is easy.

Glen Womble avatar
Written by Glen Womble
Updated over a week ago

One of the benefits of choosing semi-auto mode is that you have time to make changes to orders before you process them manually, or they're processed automatically after 24 hours. One helpful change that is possible is removing one or more items from an order and sending a refund to the customer, or removing an item without refunding. Instructions for both are below.

Edit the order in your Shopify back office

To make changes to your order in Ave Tech, including removing one or more items, open the order in your Shopify back office.

You can do so by clicking on the Shopify order number when viewing the order in Ave Tech, or you can log into your Shopify back office and open the order.

Remove an item and refund the customer

Step 1: Click 'Refund' just under the order number.

Step 2: Select the item(s) to be removed and refunded by adjusting the quantities, then click the 'Refund' button. If needed, adjust the amount being refunded.

Step 3: Return to the order in Ave Tech and refresh the page. The new item(s) will now be included.

Note: It can take a little time for the changes to make it to Ave Tech, so if you don't see them at first, simply wait a bit and refresh again.

Remove an item without refunding the customer

Step 1: Click 'Edit' just just under the order number.

Step 2: Click 'Remove item' for each item you want to remove.

Step 3: Click the 'Update order button, and the item(s) will be removed.

Tip: To remove the item without notifying the customer, uncheck the 'Send notification to customer' box before click 'Update order'.

Step 4: Return to the order in Ave Tech and refresh the page. The new item(s) will now be included.

Note: It can take a little time for the changes to make it to Ave Tech, so if you don't see them at first, simply wait a bit and refresh again.

What's next?

If the order is ready to go you don't need to do anything and it will process automatically 24 hours after it was created. You can also manually process the order if you want it to go through right away.

If you need to make more changes you can:

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